Spooky Roasted Vegetables for Halloween Fun at Home with A-Z Play

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Friday is always such an exciting day of the week; I can’t believe we have already reached letter V in our weekly A-Z Play at Home blog hop! Vegetables have long been an essential component of the kitchen. So today we decided to try something a bit different; with Halloween just around the corner we made our very own Halloween roasted vegetables!

My kids usually eat their veggies just fine; but, just to make mealtime more interesting and ensure everyone participates, Halloween-style roasted vegetables may help my cause! It also encourages participation by engaging the children in food prep!

For our Halloween roasted vegetable meal, we used butternut squash and large baking potatoes. My 7 year old prepared the potatoes while I peeled and sliced the butternut squash.

My 5-year-old used our favorite Halloween cookie cutters to use to cut out shapes from butternut squash and potato slices – I promptly removed all knives as soon as I noticed they were there!

She put them onto a baking sheet and we sprayed them with cooking spray before popping them in the oven for approximately 40 minutes at 180degC. These delicious little bites made a wonderful accompaniment for my daughter’s favorite dinner, and I think we may just repeat this next month!

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