Spider-Themed Halloween Teacake Treats

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I have long been anticipating Halloween. We recently went on a shopping spree dedicated to Halloween-related items, and I couldn’t contain my enthusiasm when crafting Halloween-related projects with the children.

Today I’m joining some other bloggers in a Halloween Blog Hop organized by The Moments at Home. Our Halloween craft involves teacake spider treats! Teacakes make an excellent seasonal decoration; just look at our teacake Christmas puds here :). Teacake spiders are delicious treats that bring some Halloween spirit.

At Waitrose, we bought all of our supplies – an assortment of Tunnock’s Teacakes and ready-made icing pens would do nicely for making spider teacake treats for Halloween!

Unpacking delicious teacakes and prepping our icing pens by rolling them between our hands was followed by decorating teacakes – I created simple spider webs from my icing pens while adding tiny spiders for decorations.

My 5-year-old decided to add candy eyes to her spiders.

As it’s Halloween season, we created some very spooky treats! As expected, they were devoured immediately as Tunnocks teacakes don’t last more than 2 minutes in our home!

I would absolutely make these again for Halloween – they were such fun to decorate, making this the ideal Halloween craft project for kids too!

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