Simple Slimming World Mince Pies Recipe

posted in: Baking | 0

I have recently joined Slimming World and it has worked really well for me so far. When I signed up, I received an Eat, Plan & Be Merry book which came in really handy this Christmas season as it provided guidance for planning food intake that didn’t exceed required intake levels. With lots of delicious festive foods around and social gatherings to attend to during December it can be easy to overindulge in excess. One recipe in particular that caught my eye was this delicious Slimming World friendly mince pie recipe; so low in syns you can indulge without guilt!

Slimming World mince pies
Although I rarely make my own pastry, this recipe calls for it! Sift the flour with salt, rub in low-fat spread with your fingertips until all ingredients come together into a ball shape and add small drops of cold water until dough comes together into one ball shape – roll into ball form then wrap tightly in plastic film before placing in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to chill before proceeding further with this step.

Preheat the oven to 190 and spray your bun tin lightly with low-calorie cooking spray.

Roll out your pastry and cut rounds using a 7.5 cm fluted cutter – yes, these mince pies are bite-sized! Set any leftover pastry aside for making stars for the tops before placing each round in your bun tins and lightly pressing down to secure.

Fill each with one teaspoon of mincemeat. Roll out any leftover pastry and use a star-shaped cutter to cut equal numbers of stars – one for each mince pie in our recipe, which yielded about 30 mince pies!

Place each star onto mince pies, and bake for approximately 15 minutes or until the pastry has turned golden brown on top.

Leave to cool slightly before transferring from the bun tin onto a wire tray for complete cooling.

Before serving your mince pies, you can decorate with a dusting of icing sugar for an elegant finishing touch.

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