Kids’ Craft: Gingerbread House with Brown Paper Bags

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With school out of session and our children home with us for the day, we have had plenty of time for craft making. There have been so many crafts I have wanted to try that now is finally our opportunity. Ages ago we received items in brown paper bags which I kept aside until we had time to transform into gingerbread houses! It made a quick and simple winter craft project; why not give this one a try today?

Simply gather brown paper bags and white pens or crayons. For added effect, pipe cleaners could be added for candy canes; or cut circles out of colored card to form an “Arabesque Roof.”

Brown Paper Bag Gingerbread House Craft for Kids
Our paper bags had handles, so the first step I did was fold these into the bag (you could also cut off their handles if desired). Once this step was completed, children began hunting down white pencils and crayons before decorating their bags with whatever decorations they could find; we discussed what you might expect to find in a gingerbread house (doors, windows and roof), before adding their own touches such as adding in all sorts of extras such as swimming pools!

White pens did not fare so well on the surface of the bag; however, crayons worked quite nicely albeit somewhat messy. Our students decorated both sides of their bags using crayons before we used paper clips to close off their tops as cute 3D Christmas decorations.

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