Creepy Halloween Gingerbread Treats

posted in: Gingerbread | 0

Gingerbread baking is something I particularly enjoy during half term holidays and making Ghoulish Gingerbread Skeletons from M&S was fun but easy enough for all three kids! Plus I had another kit available to make our favorite Halloween treat from Homebase; these kits make baking with children simple.

Spooky Halloween Gingerbread Treats
Our Halloween gingerbread treats were inspired by B&M’s Gingerbread Skeleton Biscuit Kit. It included all of the dry ingredients, white icing, butter and golden syrup; so all we had to add were butter and golden syrup ourselves. There was even a template included, though we decided to use one of our own cutters.

We had intended for the mix to yield eight biscuits, but instead were surprised with a bounty. Not only were ghost-shaped biscuits cut from it; we used the remaining dough to cut stars as well!

As they baked, their aroma filled the entire house and we left them on a cooling rack to continue cooling off.

My daughter enjoyed decorating them in all sorts of funky and creative ways.

Tasted great and made a fun after school snack!

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