Crafting a Gingerbread Village You Can Eat

posted in: Gingerbread House | 0

As everyone knows, we adore gingerbread and gingerbread houses! Not just at Christmas – we enjoy making them all year long! In December we made our first gingerbread house which only lasted a few days! So I purchased a Gingerbread Village kit from Morrisons so we can all work on creating our village over Christmas break.

Morrisons offered some lovely Christmas-related products when I made a quick stop-in, including their Gingerbread Village set with five gingerbread house shapes complete with pre-made icing, jelly hearts, pucker ups and mini bead sweets – making me wish we lived closer! Plus we couldn’t resist collecting some supplies ourselves too!

I envisioned this gingerbread activity as being great fun for both my children. They love decorating gingerbread houses and with this kit each child could create at least one their own!

First step was to knead our icing pouch until it reached a soft smooth consistency, then separate 5 mini village houses by gently breaking along their snap lines between sections and into individual panels. Inside our box there was also a cardboard tray which provided us with the base needed to set up our miniature village.

Once we had everything ready to go, it was time to build each little building with icing. Each structure was unique! I liked seeing each building take form.

After making their selections, each child began decorating two cookies using white icing and sweets in his or her own unique fashion.

Concentration was required in this activity on Christmas Eve. Everyone enjoyed sipping on hot chocolate as we built a gingerbread village together.

I must confess that we’re not planning on devouring this gingerbread village; its thick and pale structure doesn’t look nearly as appetising. My 6-year-old has already requested making porg gingerbread biscuits soon so we may give this project another go at making something appetising!

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