Baking Fun with Children: Simple Gingerbread Crown Recipe

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If you live in the UK, it can’t have gone unnoticed that Prince Louis, has joined our royal family. My children have been discussing it so we thought baking some simple gingerbread crowns was a fun way to mark Prince Louis’ arrival. With his wedding scheduled next month and Queen’s birthday rounding off this festive year for both of our royal families – these crowns provide a fun baking activity while commemorating all these royal events at once!

Baking with Kids – Easy Gingerbread Crowns I first made some gingerbread dough using my favourite recipe found here. As this created quite a large quantity of dough, I separated it into four equal parts before chilling them before taking two out and letting them come up to room temperature before shaping them using my crown cookie cutter and rolling pin.

My children love helping me roll out the dough thinly and cut out crowns; though my six year old frequently snacking on it.

Since these crowns were quite large, we only cut four out for each child to decorate. Once made, we chilled them in the freezer for 10 minutes to ensure no spreading during baking before placing at 180deg for 8 minutes at the oven.

So as not to overbake them, I pulled them out after about 15 minutes of baking and allowed them to cool before transferring them onto my baking tray – they turned out beautifully golden brown!

Before decorating our gingerbread crowns, we let them cool completely before beginning. To decorate them we used ready made white icing from Wilko’s and Edible Cake Pens to cut shapes from it using our crown cookie cutter and roll them out using ready made white icing; once cut we placed these onto top with thin layers of jam to adhere them in place.

Children took turns decorating crown-shaped cookies using icing pens and decorating jewels and shapes with colourful markers.

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