With one day remaining at school and work, we have reduced the after school activities we participate in as much as possible. Unfortunately, our usual clubs continued until today resulting in two tired and irritable children; I have found that crafting helps to soothe them after school so we have been making festive crafts together including Mrs Mactivity’s amazing gingerbread house activity!
Paper Gingerbread House Activity from Mrs Mactivity My passion for gingerbread houses runs deep so I couldn’t resist printing out some activity sheets for use at home – these sheets come with both versions: one to cut out and stick together and another that you can color yourself!
My children enjoy coloring; it gives them an excuse to use all their pencils and pens!
As they concentrate, I can ask my children about their day – often more so than any other activity! While they’re focused on weaving I can often get more answers than any other way!
Once they had finished colouring their gingerbread houses, I helped them shape each one before we secured them to one another and attached the roofs and walls together.
Craft activities were an easy and relaxing way to keep their minds active before the excitement of Christmas kicks in tomorrow.
Mrs Mactivity provides creative learning resources that are available for download and print for both parents and teachers to explore on their website. Learn more!
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